All the latest updates, podcasts, tools, and online guides to help facilitate your computer science classroom experience, in-person or online.
In this episode, Jared Oleary unpacks Bowler and Champagne’s (2009) publication titled “Mindful makers: Question prompts to help guide young peoples' critical technical practices in maker spaces in libraries, museums, and community-based youth organizations,” which "examines question prompts as a means to scaffold reflection and reflexivity in the design, development, and use of technological artifacts in maker spaces for youth at public libraries, museums, and community-based organizations" (abstract).
In this interview with Sarah Judd, Jared O'Leary disscusses what Sarah learned both in the classroom and as a CS curriculum writer, the curriculum Sarah continues to develop for AI4ALL, advice and philosophies that can guide facilitating a class and designing curriculum, some of our concerns with discourse on gender in CS, my recommended approach to sustainable professional development, and much more.
In this episode, Jared O'Leary unpacks Allsup and Baxter’s (2004) publication titled “Talking about music: Better questions? Better discussions!” which is a short article that discusses open, guided, and closed questions, as well as a framework for encouraging critical thinking through questions. Although this article is published in a music education journal, I discuss potential implications for computer science educators.
In this interview with Gail Lovely, Jard O'Leary discusses navigating appropriate behavior with digital technologies, some considerations for early and pre readers, how to respond to concerns about screen time, metaphors of education as playpens and playgrounds, learning CS/coding through literacy, and much more.
In this episode, Jared O'Leary unpacks Sotamaa's (2010) publication titled “When the game is not enough: Motivations and practices among computer game modding culture,” which is a case study that explores the attitudes, motivations, and practices of 29 people who create mods for the game Operation Flashpoint.
In addition to the integration suggestions in our lesson plans and our discussion forum, our Scratch account has several studios that demonstrate the potential for integrating projects with Scratch.
Use this document to quickly access all of our ScratchJr and Scratch lesson plans and coder resources.
This spreadsheet is a curated list of more than 100 unplugged lesson plans and resources for elementary coders.
We’ve compiled some resources to help districts, teachers, and families cope with the rise of school closures around the nation.