All the latest updates, podcasts, tools, and online guides to help facilitate your computer science classroom experience, in-person or online.
Get to know why BootUp Professional Development believes all students deserve to code and success stories from our partner districts, and student journey's with code.
Avondale Elementary School District teaches coding to all K-8 students during the school day! In 2014, schools replaced an existing 40 minute typing and computer applications class with a new coding class. Since then coding teachers have met weekly as a group. They are also supported by local BootUp Curriculum Developer, Jared O'Leary.
Computer coding may sound like a difficult thing to learn, but Jefferson Elementary librarian Kristy Williamson-Jackson says it's actually quite simple when broken down.
CODING FOR ALLThomasson said the grades K-2 students usually use Scratch Jr., while grades 3-5 use Scratch and “It’s just for everybody,” Thomasson said, explaining that she initially had concerns about how coding would work for special education and special needs students. “It’s instruction.”
The Park City School District has teamed up with the Park City Education Foundation to prepare their students for a life in a world surrounded by computers by teaching them coding fundamentals from a young age.
In addition to the integration suggestions in our lesson plans and our discussion forum, our Scratch account has several studios that demonstrate the potential for integrating projects with Scratch.
Use this document to quickly access all of our ScratchJr and Scratch lesson plans and coder resources.
This spreadsheet is a curated list of more than 100 unplugged lesson plans and resources for elementary coders.
We’ve compiled some resources to help districts, teachers, and families cope with the rise of school closures around the nation.