All the latest updates, podcasts, tools, and online guides to help facilitate your computer science classroom experience, in-person or online.
Get started with micro:bit! Tune into our micro:bit tips as you go through the lessons.
Elementary Coding Non-profit Joins Prestigious Honor Roll of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Educators
Get started with ScratchJr! Tune into our ScratchJr tips as you go through the lessons.
The Ogden Computer Science Pilot is a partnership between Ogden School District and the nonprofit, BootUp PD. The pilot program has been funded at $125,000 by the Utah STEM Action Center, whose goal for the funding is to build K-12 computing pathways in Utah school districts. The 2017 legislature provided the funds via Senate Bill 190.
Coding environments and curricula with puzzles and challenges often utilize engaging platforms which guide young coders to learn fundamental coding concepts and practices. These environments and curricula often progress from simple through complex algorithmic sequences with clearly defined solutions. This approach not only provides useful resources for young coders new to coding, but for adults new to teaching, facilitating, or evaluating coding classes
In addition to the integration suggestions in our lesson plans and our discussion forum, our Scratch account has several studios that demonstrate the potential for integrating projects with Scratch.
Use this document to quickly access all of our ScratchJr and Scratch lesson plans and coder resources.
This spreadsheet is a curated list of more than 100 unplugged lesson plans and resources for elementary coders.
We’ve compiled some resources to help districts, teachers, and families cope with the rise of school closures around the nation.