

All the latest updates, podcasts, tools, and online guides to help facilitate your computer science classroom experience, in-person or online.

i-STEM Summer Institutes header

Join us at i-STEM Summer Institutes in Idaho!

Idaho educators can join BootUp PD at i-STEM as we explore CS integration with local industry through physical computing!

image - Bring Computer Science to Your Classroom this Black History Month!

Bring Computer Science to Your Classroom this Black History Month!

Bring Computer Science to Your Classroom this Black History Month with our Scratch activities!

Valentine heart

Celebrate Valentines Day with our Valentines Day Card Photo Editor!

Celebrate Valentines Day with our Valentines Day Card Photo Editor in Scratch!

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BootUp at CSTA PD Provider Summit - Jan 17th

On January 17th BootUp’s CEO, Lien Diaz, spoke at one of the CSTA’s PD Provider Summits. As part of the PD Provider Summit’s focus on the ethics and impacts of computing to CS educators and students, Lien spoke about the importance of elevating the teaching profession and including educators in efforts made toward equitable computer science education.

BootUp Can Help Your Iowa School Recieve Computer Science Funding!

BootUp Can Help Your Iowa School Recieve Computer Science Funding!

We love to help schools all over the country receive funding for computer science education! The state of Iowa is offering money for professional development activities and tuition reimbursement for Iowa teachers seeking endorsements or authorizations for computer science.

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Other Resources

Integration Studios

Integration Studios

In addition to the integration suggestions in our lesson plans and our discussion forum, our Scratch account has several studios that demonstrate the potential for integrating projects with Scratch.

Scratch Studios
Complete List of Lesson Plans

Complete List of Lesson Plans

Use this document to quickly access all of our ScratchJr and Scratch lesson plans and coder resources.

View The List
Unplugged Resources

Unplugged Resources

This spreadsheet is a curated list of more than 100 unplugged lesson plans and resources for elementary coders.

Check Out The Unplugged Resources
Remote Learning Resources

Remote Learning Resources

We’ve compiled some resources to help districts, teachers, and families cope with the rise of school closures around the nation.

Learn More

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