
#CSK8 Podcast

csk8 - 130 - Teaching Subsequent Programming Languages

Teaching Subsequent Programming Languages

In this episode Jared O'Leary unpacks Tshukudu et al.’s (2021) publication titled “Teachers’ views and experiences on teaching second and subsequent programming languages,” which “understand computing teachers’ views and practices on the use of transfer strategies in teaching second and subsequent programming languages” (p. 297).

csk8 - 129 - addison

A DREAM job with Addison Lilholt

In this interview with Addison Lilholt, we discuss Addison’s DREAM job, the importance of students having fun through meaningful learning experiences, lessons learned from remote teaching, the importance of mental breaks when learning/teaching, recommendations for getting started with CS, the intersections of CS and environmental sciences, creating an arcade cabinet to explore engineering and CS, being open about iterating on abilities as an educator, and so much more.

csk8 - april fools - apr1 pc-min

Title colon subtitle

In this episode Jared O'Leary unpacks author’s (year) publication titled “title colon title,” which summary in a single sentence.

csk8 - 128

CT for an Inclusive World

In this episode Jared O'Leary unpacks Mills et al.’s (2021) publication titled “Computational thinking for an inclusive world: A resource for educators to learn and lead,” which is a white paper that provides strategies for integrating computational thinking into disciplinary learning and for developing capacity for computational thinking.

csk8 - 127 - sara vogel

Problematizing Deficits with Sara Vogel

In this interview with Sara Vogel, we discuss changes in CS education since Sara was last on the podcast, the impact of COVID on learning, some of the problems with computational thinking, the importance of modifying curricula to make it more culturally and historically responsive, deficit language and racism around bilingual students, the importance of understanding translanguaging pedagogies, what apprenticeship and joint work can look like in education, and much more.

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