
#CSK8 Podcast

CSK8 - Joanna Goode

Exploring Computer Science with Joanna Goode

In this interview with Joanna Goode, we discuss corporate influence through neoliberal practices in CS education, reflecting on engaging all students in CS programs, considerations around equity and inclusion in CS education, layers of curriculum design and implementation, discussing and problematizing integration, influences of policy and administrative support (or the lack of) on CS education, Joanna’s experience with developing Exploring Computer Science, and much more.

CSK8 - tole of deliberate practice

The Role of Deliberate Practice in The Acquisition of Expert Performance

In this episode Jared O'Leary unpacks Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Römer’s (1993) publication titled “The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance,” which debunks the notion of innate abilities within a domain and describes the role of deliberate practice in achieving expert performance.

#CSK8 -Melissa Rasberry

CS for All Teachers with Melissa Rasberry

In this interview with Melissa Rasberry, we discuss making educational lemonade out of lemons, using technology to collaborate in virtual learning communities, how people are learning differently through online communities, CS for All Teachers, suggestions for using different social media platforms to connect with other educators, and much more.

CSK8 - Dec 28

Understanding Women Modders Using the Serious Leisure Perspective

In this episode Jared O'Leary unpacks Trancred et al.’s (2020) publication titled “Understanding women modders using the serious leisure perspective,” which discusses a survey that investigated motivations for participating in modding practices among women.

CSK8 - Abby

Suggestions and Considerations for District-wide Implementation with Abby Funabiki

In this interview with Abby Funabiki, we discuss the differences between for-profit and nonprofit CS education organizations, the importance and ability for nonprofits to collaborate with others, CS as the new digital divide, how to get started with CS implementation with limited or no extra funding, suggestions and considerations for district-wide implementation, and much more.

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