Race To The Finish
Experience: 1st year, 2nd quarter
Practice: Developing and Using Abstractions, Creating computational artifacts, Testing and refining computational artifacts, and Communicating about computing
Concept: Program Development, Algorithms, and Control
Length: 80+
Overview and Purpose
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create a racing game and a short story about a race. The purpose of these projects is to apply previously learned concepts in a new context to create their first game and a short story, as well as introduce the say block.
Preparation (10+ minutes)
Suggested preparation
Ensure all devices are plugged in for charging over night.
(10+ minutes) Read through each part of this lesson plan and decide which sections the coders you work with might be interested in and capable of engaging with in the amount of time you have with them. If using projects with sound, individual headphones are very helpful.
Resources for learning more
- BootUp ScratchJr Tips
- Videos and tips on ScratchJr from our YouTube channel
- BootUp Facilitation Tips
- Videos and tips on facilitating coding classes from our YouTube channel
- Block Descriptions
- A document that describes each of the blocks used in ScratchJr
- Interface Guide
- A reference guide that introduces the ScratchJr interface
- Paint Editor Guide
- A reference guide that introduces features in the paint editor
- Tips and Hints
- Learn even more tips and hints by the creators of the app
- Coding as another language (CAL)
- A set of curriculum units for K-2 using both ScratchJr and KIBO robotics
- ScratchJr in Scratch
- If you’re using ScratchJr in Scratch, this playlist provides helpful tips and resources
Getting Started (5+ minutes)
Suggested sequence
1. Review and demonstration (2+ minutes):
Begin by asking coders to talk with a neighbor for 30 seconds about something they learned last time; assess for general understanding of the practices and concepts from the previous project.
Explain that today we are going to make a racing game, and then a story about a race. Display and demonstrate the racing game (or your own remixed version).
Alternative introduction: Read a story about a race, such as The Tortoise and the Hare, and then demonstrate how we might make our own story or game about a race using ScratchJr.
A note on say blocks: If you are displaying a sample project with say blocks, it might help to read the text out loud using various voices for each sprite as it is displayed. This strategy might help early/pre-readers, as well as young coders who are new to learning English. In addition, when young coders begin working on their own project, you can encourage them to use speech-to-text or emojis in their own say blocks instead of typing out words (or use recorded sound blocks).
Resources, suggestions, and connections
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Video: Project Preview (0:52)
Video: Lesson pacing (1:48)
This can include a full class demonstration or guided exploration in small groups or individually. For small group and individual explorations, it might help to set a time limit for exploration before discussing the project.
Example review discussion questions:
- What’s something new you learned last time you coded?
- Is there a new block or word you learned?
- What’s something you want to know more about?
- What’s something you could add or change to your previous project?
- What’s something that was easy/difficult about your previous project?
2. Discuss (3+ minutes):
Have coders talk with each other about how they might create a project like the one demonstrated. If coders are unsure, and the discussion questions aren’t helping, you can model thought processes: “I noticed the sprite moved around, so I think they used a motion block. What motion block(s) might be in the code? What else did you notice?” Another approach might be to wonder out loud by thinking aloud different algorithms and testing them out, next asking coders “what do you wonder about or want to try?”
After the discussion, coders will begin working on their project as a class, in small groups, or at their own pace.
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Note: Discussions might include full class or small groups, or individual responses to discussion prompts. These discussions which ask coders to predict how a project might work, or think through how to create a project, are important aspects of learning to code. Not only does this process help coders think logically and creatively, but it does so without giving away the answer.
Example discussion questions:
- What would we need to know to make something like this in ScratchJr?
- What kind of blocks might we use?
- What else could you add or change in a project like this?
- What code from our previous projects might we use in a project like this?
- What kind of sprites might we see in a race?
- What kind of code might they have?
Project Work (80+ minutes; 3+ classes)
Suggested sequence
3. Create a racing game (30+ minutes):
5+ minute coding time and 1-on-1 facilitating
Give coders time to try and figure out how to make a racing game that moves sprites when they are pressed, creates a countdown, and says finished when sprites reach a finish line. Encourage peer-to-peer assistance and facilitate 1-on-1 as needed.
2+ minute demonstration
Coders will most likely figure out how to make a sprite move using the start on tap block with motion blocks; however, we will want to introduce coders to the say block so coders can create a countdown. Demonstrate how to create code for the countdown (the code connected to the green flag trigger).
3+ minute coding time and 1-on-1 facilitating
Give coders time to create their own countdown. Encourage peer-to-peer assistance and facilitate 1-on-1 as needed.
2+ minute demonstration
Next review how to make the sprites move when tapped (they will most likely have figured this out if they’ve done the other projects before this one).
3+ minute coding time and 1-on-1 facilitating
Give coders time to add this code to their sprites. Encourage peer-to-peer assistance and facilitate 1-on-1 as needed.
4+ minute demonstration
Draw a new sprite that represents the finish line. Point out that we can use the start on bump block to announce a sprite has reached the finish line. We can put this code on the finish line sprite, or leave that empty and put it on each sprite so they say when they’ve won.
11+ minute coding time and 1-on-1 facilitating
Give coders time to add more to their racing game. Encourage peer-to-peer assistance and facilitate 1-on-1 as needed.
Resources, suggestions, and connections
Standard reinforced:
- 1A-AP-10 Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem
Practices reinforced:
- Testing and refining computational artifacts
- Creating computational artifacts
- Developing and using abstractions
Concepts reinforced:
- Algorithms
- Control
Example completed code:
4. Demonstrate and Discuss (5+ minutes):
Display and demonstrate the the racing to the finish story (or your own remixed version).
Have coders talk with each other about how they might create a project like the one demonstrated. If coders are unsure, and the discussion questions aren’t helping, you can model thought processes: “I noticed the sprite moved around, so I think they used a motion block. What motion block(s) might be in the code? What else did you notice?”
After the discussion, coders will begin working on their project as a class, in small groups, or at their own pace.
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Note: Discussions might include full class or small groups, or individual responses to discussion prompts.
Example discussion questions:
- What would we need to know to make something like this in ScratchJr?
- What kind of blocks might we use?
- What else could you add or change in a project like this?
- What code from our previous projects might we use in a project like this?
- What kind of sprites might we see in a race?
- What kind of code might they have?
5. Create a storyboard (10+ minutes):
Either hand out paper with at least four different quadrants (one for each page in ScratchJr), use handheld whiteboards, or use a painting app on a device to encourage coders to storyboard what they are going to create. It may help to model this process with a separate set of random ideas.
Encourage coders to draw or write out not only the kinds of sprites and backgrounds they’re going to use, but the kind of code that will accompany them.
When coders are ready, have them show you their storyboard and ask questions for clarification of their intent (which may change once they start coding and get more ideas). If approved, they may continue on to the next step (creating); otherwise they can continue to think through and work on their storyboard.
Note: Coders may change their mind midway through a project and wish to rethink through their original storyboard. This is part of the design process and it is encouraged they revise their storyboard to reflect their new ideas.
Standard reinforced:
- 1A-AP-12 Develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes
Practices reinforced:
- Creating computational artifacts
Concept reinforced:
- Program development
Resource: Example storyboard templates
Suggested storyboard questions:
- What might we include in our storyboard for creating a story about a race?
- What are some of the media we might use in a project like this (pictures, sounds, sprites, backdrops, etc.)?
- Using the five senses, brainstorm what someone might sense on a race day.
- What are all of the ways we can interact with the story?
- In each of these ways we can interact with the story, how might we use code to create that interaction?
Suggestion: If coders need additional help, perhaps pair them with someone who might help them with the storyboarding process. Or, you could have coders meet with a peer to discuss their storyboard before asking to share it with yourself. This can be a great way to get academic feedback and ideas from a peer.
Note: This process may take significantly longer than 10 minutes if storyboarding many different sprites and pages (not recommended until the end of the first year).
6. Create a story about a race (35+ minutes):
Ask coders to create a project based on the storyboards they created for their story about a race. Facilitate by walking around and asking questions and encouraging coders to try out new blocks.
When coders complete what they have already storyboarded, ask them to storyboard some more ideas and repeat the process from step 5 and step 6.
Standard reinforced:
- 1A-AP-10 Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem
Practices reinforced:
- Testing and refining computational artifacts
- Creating computational artifacts
Concepts reinforced:
- Algorithms
- Control
Note: Coders might use the play recorded sound blocks to record and play their dialogue, sounds, and music, or they might use the say block by typing in their text or using speech to text recognition technologies.
Standards reinforced:
- 1A-AP-15 Using correct terminology, describe steps taken and choices made during the iterative process of program development
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Although opportunities for assessment in three different forms are embedded throughout each lesson, this page provides resources for assessing both processes and products. If you would like some example questions for assessing this project, see below:
Summative (Assessment of Learning)
The debugging exercises, commenting on code, and projects themselves can all be forms of summative assessment if a criteria is developed for each project or there are “correct” ways of solving, describing, or creating.
For example, ask the following after a project:
- Can coders debug the debugging exercises?
- Did coders create a project similar to the project preview?
- Note: The project preview and sample projects are not representative of what all grade levels should seek to emulate. They are meant to generate ideas, but expectations should be scaled to match the experience levels of the coders you are working with.
- Did coders use a variety of block types in their algorithms and can they explain how they work together for specific purposes?
- Did coders create a multiplayer racing game?
- Does the game indicate who wins?
- Did coders create a story about a race with at least ## different sprites with different algorithms?
- Choose a number appropriate for the coders you work with and the amount of time available.
Formative (Assessment for Learning)
The 1-on-1 facilitating during each project is a form of formative assessment because the primary role of the facilitator is to ask questions to guide understanding; storyboarding can be another form of formative assessment.
For example, ask the following while coders are working on a project:
- What are three different ways you could change that sprite’s algorithm?
- What happens if we change the order of these blocks?
- What could you add or change to this code and what do you think would happen?
- How might you use code like this in everyday life?
- See the suggested questions throughout the lesson and the assessment examples for more questions.
Ipsative (Assessment as Learning)
The reflection and sharing section at the end of each lesson can be a form of ipsative assessment when coders are encouraged to reflect on both current and prior understandings of concepts and practices.
For example, ask the following after a project:
- How is this project similar or different from previous projects?
- What new code or tools were you able to add to this project that you haven’t used before?
- How can you use what you learned today in future projects?
- What questions do you have about coding that you could explore next time?
- See the reflection questions at the end for more suggestions.