What Can You Create? Introduction
Experience: 1st year, 1st quarter
Practice: Creating computational artifacts, Testing and refining computational artifacts, and Communicating about computing
Concept: Algorithms and Control
Length: 30+
Overview and purpose
This challenge asks coders to use a limited selection of block types within an unlimited number of sprites to create something interesting. The purpose of this challenge is to encourage coders to think creatively about block combinations to better understand algorithmic sequences.
Preparation (20+ minutes)
Suggested preparation
Spend some time familiarizing yourself with each of the blocks used within this challenge. Use the Tutorials if you are unfamiliar with a particular block.
(10+ minutes) Read through each part of this lesson plan and decide which sections the coders you work with might be interested in and capable of engaging with in the amount of time you have with them. If using projects with sound, individual headphones are very helpful.
Download the offline version of Scratch: Although hopefully infrequent, your class might not be able to access Scratch due to Scratch’s servers going down or your school losing internet access. Events like these could completely derail your lesson plans for the day; however, there is an offline version of Scratch that coders could use when Scratch is inaccessible. Click here to download the offline version of Scratch on to each computer a coder uses and click here to learn more by watching a short video.
Resources for learning more
- BootUp Scratch Tips
- Videos and tips on Scratch from our YouTube channel
- BootUp Facilitation Tips
- Videos and tips on facilitating coding classes from our YouTube channel
- Scratch Starter Cards
- Printable cards with some sample starter code designed for beginners
- ScratchEd
- A Scratch community designed specifically for educators interested in sharing resources and discussing Scratch in education
- Scratch Help
- This includes examples of basic projects and resources to get started
- Scratch Videos
- Introductory videos and tips designed by the makers of Scratch
- Scratch Wiki
- This wiki includes a variety of explanations and tutorials
Getting Started (6-21+ minutes)
Suggested sequence
1. Review and demonstration (2+ minutes):
Begin by asking coders to talk with a neighbor for 30 seconds about something they learned last time; assess for general understanding of the practices and concepts from the previous project.
Up until this project we have been modeling different algorithms and encouraging coders to create their own variation; however, this challenge asks coders to experiment with block combinations without any example algorithms. Explain that today we are going to do a challenge where you make something interesting using only 10 kinds of blocks. Display and demonstrate the sample project with the types of blocks displayed (but no algorithms).
Note: If after some time experimenting some of the coders request sample algorithms, encourage them to walk around and ask what combinations their peers are coming up with.
Resources, suggestions, and connections
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Video: Project Preview (0:41)
Video: Lesson pacing (1:48)
This can include a full class demonstration or guided exploration in small groups or individually. For small group and individual explorations, you can use the videos and quick reference guides embedded within this lesson, and focus on facilitating 1-on-1 throughout the process.
Example review discussion questions:
- What’s something new you learned last time you coded?
- Is there a new block or word you learned?
- What’s something you want to know more about?
- What’s something you could add or change to your previous project?
- What’s something that was easy/difficult about your previous project?
2. Discuss (3+ minutes):
Have coders talk with each other about how they might create something using the blocks in this project.
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Note: Discussions might include full class or small groups, or individual responses to discussion prompts. These discussions which ask coders to predict how a project might work, or think through how to create a project, are important aspects of learning to code. Not only does this process help coders think logically and creatively, but it does so without giving away the answer.
Example discussion questions:
- What kind of algorithmic sequences could we create?
- How might we use two events on one sprite?
- Think about the kinds of blocks we can use, then brainstorm with a neighbor (or in a journal) what we might be able to get a sprite to do.
3. Log in (1-15+ minutes):
If not yet comfortable with logging in, review how to log into Scratch and create a new project.
If coders continue to have difficulty with logging in, you can create cards with a coder’s login information and store it in your desk. This will allow coders to access their account without displaying their login information to others.
Alternative login suggestion: Instead of logging in at the start of class, another approach is to wait until the end of class to log in so coders can immediately begin working on coding; however, coders may need a reminder to save before leaving or they will lose their work.
Why the variable length of time? It depends on comfort with login usernames/passwords and how often coders have signed into Scratch before. Although this process may take longer than desired at the beginning, coders will eventually be able to login within seconds rather than minutes.
What if some coders log in much faster than others? Set a timer for how long everyone has to log in to their account (e.g., 5 minutes). If anyone logs in faster than the time limit, they can open up previous projects and add to them. Your role during this time is to help out those who are having difficulty logging in. Once the timer goes off, everyone stops their process and prepares for the following chunk.
Project Work (30+ minutes; 1+ classes)
Suggested sequence
4. Learn about the challenge (30+ minutes):
5 minute demonstration
Display this resource to show the ten types of blocks they can use. Tell the class their goal is to use only these blocks to make something interesting. They can add in many sprites, and use many of the displayed blocks, but they cannot add a block that isn’t on the screen.
25+ minute coding time and 1-on-1 facilitating
Give coders time to add in sprites and use the limited number of blocks. If a coder finishes, ask them to help out a peer or move on to the next chunk.
Resources, suggestions, and connections
Standards reinforced:
- 1B-AP-10 Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals
Practices reinforced:
- Testing and refining computational artifacts
- Creating computational artifacts
Concepts reinforced:
- Algorithms
- Control
Video: Challenge demonstration (1:13)
Facilitation Suggestion: Some coders may not thrive on this kind of challenge, so we can encourage them to use the Tutorials to get more ideas for the challenge; however, we may need to remind coders the suggestions provided by Scratch are not specific to our projects, so it may create some unwanted results unless the code is modified to match our own intentions.
A note on using the “Coder Resources” with your class: Young coders may need a demonstration (and semi-frequent friendly reminders) for how to navigate a browser with multiple tabs. The reason why is because kids will have at least three tabs open while working on a project: 1) a tab for Scratch, 2) a tab for the Coder Resources walkthrough, and 3) a tab for the video/visual walkthrough for each step in the Coder Resources document. Demonstrate how to navigate between these three tabs and point out that coders will close the video/visual walkthrough once they complete that particular step of a project and open a new tab for the next step or extension. Although this may seem obvious for many adults, we recommend doing this demonstration the first time kids use the Coder Resources and as friendly reminders when needed.
5. Add in comments (the amount of time depends on typing speed and amount of code):
1 minute demonstration
When the project is nearing completion, bring up some code for the project and ask coders to explain to a neighbor how the code is going to work. Review how we can use comments in our program to add in explanations for code, so others can understand how our programs work.
Quickly review how to add in comments.
Commenting time
Ask coders to add in comments explaining the code throughout their project. Encourage coders to write clear and concise comments, and ask for clarification or elaboration when needed.
Standards reinforced:
- 1B-AP-17 Describe choices made during program development using code comments, presentations, and demonstrations
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Concepts reinforced:
- Algorithms
Video: Add in comments (1:45)
Quick reference guide: Click here
Facilitation suggestion: One way to check for clarity of comments is to have a coder read out loud their comment and ask another coder to recreate their comment using code blocks. This may be a fun challenge for those who type fast while others are completing their comments.
Standards reinforced:
- 1B-AP-17 Describe choices made during program development using code comments, presentations, and demonstrations
Practices reinforced:
- Communicating about computing
Although opportunities for assessment in three different forms are embedded throughout each lesson, this page provides resources for assessing both processes and products. If you would like some example questions for assessing this project, see below:
Summative (Assessment of Learning)
The debugging exercises, commenting on code, and projects themselves can all be forms of summative assessment if a criteria is developed for each project or there are “correct” ways of solving, describing, or creating.
For example, ask the following after a project:
- Can coders debug the debugging exercises?
- Did coders use a variety of block types in their algorithms and can they explain how they work together for specific purposes?
- Did coders include descriptive comments for each event in all of their sprites?
- Did coders only use the block types indicated in this challenge?
- Did coders include at least ## sprites with different combinations of the block types for this challenge?
- Choose a number appropriate for the coders you work with and the amount of time available.
Formative (Assessment for Learning)
The 1-on-1 facilitating during each project is a form of formative assessment because the primary role of the facilitator is to ask questions to guide understanding; storyboarding can be another form of formative assessment.
For example, ask the following while coders are working on a project:
- What are three different ways you could change that sprite’s algorithm?
- What happens if we change the order of these blocks?
- What could you add or change to this code and what do you think would happen?
- How might you use code like this in everyday life?
- See the suggested questions throughout the lesson and the assessment examples for more questions.
Ipsative (Assessment as Learning)
The reflection and sharing section at the end of each lesson can be a form of ipsative assessment when coders are encouraged to reflect on both current and prior understandings of concepts and practices.
For example, ask the following after a project if they’ve done some coding before:
- How is this project similar or different from previous projects?
- What new code or tools were you able to add to this project that you haven’t used before?
- How can you use what you learned today in future projects?
- What questions do you have about coding that you could explore next time?
- See the reflection questions at the end for more suggestions.