Introducing Coding into Kingsport City Schools
August 1 2017 · By Abby Funabiki
Kingsport City Schools began their “Coding for All” implementation program in 2016. Since then, every elementary student has had the opportunity to learn to code. Library Media Specialists provide computer science instruction to elementary students during Related Arts class, which is already part of the school day. Each student receives about 14 hours of coding instruction each school year, depending on school schedules. Kingsport City Schools has an overall ratio of 54% free or reduced lunch recipients, with some school ratios as high as 90%, so equitable implementation and access is a continued focus.
“I am excited to be a part of this initiative and feel fortunate to have had and continue to have excellent guidance and training throughout this process.” – Kristy Williamson-Jackson, Jefferson Elementary School Librarian
BootUp provides professional development and peer coaching to ensure teachers feel confident teaching this entirely new subject to their students. Kingsport’s Library Media Specialists use the free, Scratch, and ScratchJr, platforms along with physical computing devices like the Dash Robot and MakeyMakey to reinforce coding concepts. Teachers make connections across the curriculum by connecting coding to literature, makerspaces, library lessons, and other content areas.
“I feel like if I can give students the tools that they need to be learners for the rest of their life then I’ve made a difference.” – Krystal McReynolds, Lincoln Elementary Media Specialist