I am thrilled to announce my transition from interim to full-time CEO of BootUp. This moment marks not just a personal milestone, but a renewed commitment to our mission of transforming computer science education in elementary schools.
Join us for an inspiring panel discussion featuring BootUp PD’s new CEO, Lien Diaz, alongside visionary educators Rudy Escobar and Abril Vela. Together, they will delve into how we can collectively work to bring computer science (CS) to all students, focusing on equity in K-5 education.
Amazon Future Engineer and BootUp are funding Computer Science Education at all Elementary Schools in the Hillside Public Schools District, impacting 1,650 Students! Hillside Public Schools is New Jersey’s FIRST and ONLY district to join Amazon Future Engineer’s expansion to more than 500,000 elementary students nationwide! Hillside Public Schools elementary students have already begun excelling in coding and computer sciences with the usage of Scratch Jr. The students in this video attend A.P. Morris Early Childhood Center in Hillside, New Jersey.
BootUp PD and Codercub hosted a weeklong Young Coders Camp in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from the 5th of July until the 9th, where 27 students attended the camp–two-thirds ranging from six to eight. The camp was held at the Hub Innovation Center under the Capital City Business Innovation and Development Agency.
Clark Merkley has a plan—a plan to go out of business. “If every elementary student in the worldknew how to code and knew how to do rigorous computational thinking, we would close the doors.” Because of Clark’s lofty goal, BootUp PD will not likely be closing anytime soon.